Before you write your first resume. The 5 best rules for writing an effective resume

Finding a job is not an easy task, especially if you want to find not just any job, but a job with a serious company, with an attractive salary and good working conditions. Yes Yes! Such employers exist too, but to find your dream job, you need to make some effort 🙂 It’s all about your resume. So what is a resume?

Curriculum Vitae and CV: what’s the difference?

Resumes and curriculum vitae are documents used by job seekers to summarize your skills, accomplishments and professional history when applying for jobs. In many countries such as Spain, Mexico and Argentina as well as in most Latin American countries, the terms “curriculum” and “resume” are used synonymously.

In the United States, Canada, and most Western European countries, however, there are some differences between the two types of application documents.

A resume is a short document that gives a brief overview of your previous positions, skills, and education. A good resume is usually one or two pages long and should focus on a specific position.

A resume (Curriculum Vitae, which means “life path” in Latin), on the other hand, is more detailed and can exceed two pages. Typically, a resume is written in full chronological order, showing your entire career path and detailing your education and professional career, publications, awards, honors, and other accomplishments.

So let’s recap:

In Spanish-speaking countries, the term CV is mostly used when referring to the document you use when applying for a job. However, there are few countries where there is an alternative term “resume,” which means exactly the same thing as a CV. At the same time, the two terms may have different meanings in countries such as the United States, where the differences between a resume and a CV lie in the length, purpose, and structure of the documents.

The differences between resumes and CVs are in the length, purpose, and structure of these documents. Resume: long, static, covers your entire career, used for academic purposes. Resume: short, without a specific format rule, easily customizable, used to respond to a job opening.

Why is a good resume important?

So, we’ve already figured out what a resume is and how a resume differs from a CV. Now let’s talk about why it is so important to pay attention to a good resume when you are hiring.

First of all you should clearly understand that the purpose of the resume is to make your candidacy stand out from the competition. It is important to leave a good impression on the employer and encourage them to invite you in for an interview. No matter how good your experience and qualifications are, if your resume is poorly prepared, you may have trouble getting the job you deserve.’

Before you write your first resume, you should always keep in mind that there may be many other qualified candidates who are also applying for the position. Therefore, you need to make sure that you put together a powerful resume that will stand out to employers.

Think of your resume as a personal marketing document that can show potential employers why they should invite you to interview for a particular position.

The top 5 rules for writing a strong resume

Following these basic rules will get you much closer to success.

  1. Be prepared to quickly adapt your resume. Employers are different, and they have different requirements. You should be able to analyze the job offer and tailor your resume to each position for which you are applying. Ideally, you should change your resume from one job application to another and tailor it to the needs of the specific position. The more your resume matches the requirements of a particular position, the more likely you are to be seen among dozens or even hundreds of other candidates!
  2. Brevity is the soul of wit. A good resume is usually limited to one or two pages. It’s enough to showcase your abilities, accomplishments, and experience at its best. Don’t dilute your resume with irrelevant or secondary information, just brief and accurate details!
  3. Add your personal touch as the highlight of your resume. Once again, your resume is the first impression you make on a potential employer. It should be striking and eye-catching, but don’t overdo it. If you don’t have a good design, you can use ready-made resume templates for quick effect. Always pay attention to details such as structure, colors and fonts, and you won’t have a chance to go unnoticed!
  4. Avoid mistakes in your resume . Obviously, your resume should not contain spelling and grammatical errors. Otherwise, you will make an extremely negative impression on employers and can outlast any job search efforts. The best way to avoid typos and mistakes on your resume is to ask someone else to read it to check for such mistakes. You can also use online spell-checking services, but keep in mind that they cannot completely guarantee there are no mistakes. In general, just pay attention to detail, try printing out your resume for review, or use a spell checker tool, and you can certainly avoid mistakes on your resume.
  5. Have you created the perfect resume and are you ready to click “Send”? Wait a minute. Make sure you have the correct contact information. This may sound silly, but many job seekers forget to put their contact information on their resume. Don’t make this small but expensive mistake! Include your full name as well as your phone number and e-mail address. As for your email address, you want to make a professional impression, so don’t use email names that sound childish. Try to keep it clear and simple. Your first name along with your last name is a good way to go. Also, employers often pay attention if there is a cover letter attached to the email . You should state what you are interested in in the job and why you think you are the best candidate.

Your resume is your professional profile

Even if you’re not actively looking for a new job, but just thinking about future career accomplishments, make sure you always have an up-to-date resume handy. Not only will it make you feel more confident at work, but it will also allow you to respond faster to new opportunities in your career.