Causes of problems with finding a job

Companies need experienced people, not recent graduates

The reason? For small and medium-sized companies, devoting resources to training young people can be disadvantageous. Add to that the high unemployment rate of experienced professionals, whom they can hire without much effort.

Lack of help in finding a job

Most young people have not been properly informed about job prospects, salaries, or how to write a resume. Informing students about job prospects and wages reduces unemployment by 4% in the first 6 months after graduation, and helping students write resumes reduces unemployment by 15%, as confirmed by youth employment studies.

There are people who have been “looking” for a job for years, and there are those who, after losing a job, immediately reenter the workforce. Why is that? We often think of the “luck factor,” , but the truth is that regardless of its influence – minimal if any at all – there are a number of factors that coincide with the people it usually happens to. This is called attitude .

Attitude is the disposition with which we encounter something, which also influences (and determines) the outcome. With a good attitude, you are more than halfway to getting the job.

When you have a positive attitude, you are open to new possibilities, new ways to invent, to create, to try, to do. And that openness with simple probability leads to more options and better results.

We are the result of our beliefs. And your beliefs affect your chances of finding a job or not finding a job. Beliefs like “no job,” “let’s see if I can do something,” or “I won’t get the call,” without realizing it, limit your chances of success. If you think there is no job, you will make less effort to get it so you don’t contradict yourself.

Two other factors, which are also scarce, such as persistence and effort, join the mood. We want results, and we want results now, and when we don’t get them, we stop trying, so the likelihood of getting results decreases. Currently, your employability (your chances of finding a job) is determined by several factors:

1. Your training.

You are more likely to find a job based on what you are trained to do, as this, while not sufficient, is necessary as an initial selection criterion.

2. Your experience and/or knowledge

Depending on the position you are applying for, more or less experience will be required. This is a great reason to complain that you can’t find a job, but don’t forget that many of today’s great professionals worked for free when they started out. Experience has a price. Appreciate the opportunities the market gives you.

3. Your skills and competencies

Anything you know how to do, whether they are certified or not. There are things that don’t require a title, but a skill, a “know-how” that will set you apart from others.

4. Your network of contacts.

This is where the 1.0 and 2.0 versions come to the rescue. Personal and professional relationships will give you access to information you may need and to other professionals who can help you. It’s not about forcing yourself to meet people, but about gradually building your network and, most importantly, taking care of it.

5. Where you are and when you are

This remains one of the most important reasons for finding a job: to be in the right place at the right time. The secret is simple: move, be, be seen, go wherever there is the slightest opportunity. Don’t forget that your job is about finding work.

This is what keeps us from finding a job

Although it may seem easy, there are some reasons that make it difficult for us to find a job, sometimes even leading to personal demotivation, such as:

1. people don’t know what we want.

That is, we don’t have a clear goal to achieve, everything is fine, so we focus little and see fewer options.

2. We don’t take ourselves seriously.

We lack commitment to ourselves. We have a hard time believing in ourselves, so we try less than we should.

3. we lack perseverance and patience.

We soon get tired of trying and give up. We don’t give ourselves the opportunity to achieve because we don’t give ourselves the time.

4. We have a hard time opening ourselves up to new forms of employment

There are already 110 lifetime positions and open-ended contracts. Now you need to work with less fear, more confidence, and more openness to the environment. We need to change our beliefs because, unknowingly, they limit us by seeing less opportunity.

5. Time plays against.

Every day without results reduces your confidence and security and affects your self-esteem. Your only tool is to use your time correctly to get good results.

– Is Employment the chance of finding a job. Of course, it increases when you have a positive attitude, inspiring beliefs, when you are optimistic, when you learn and improve, when you expand your network of professional contacts and become more visible. In short, when you do, you don’t just want to do.

While the reality of work does exist, you need to analyze where you are now, where you want to be (what you want to achieve) and what you can do to achieve it. Along the way you will have to renew yourself, train yourself, open your mind, expand your network of contacts, break down the beliefs that limit you in achieving change, stop doing unproductive things to better manage your time and differentiate yourself.

What are the most in-demand areas for work?

According to research, young people are increasingly looking for jobs in five strategic areas:

  • Financial-administrative: positions in human resources, law, social responsibility, accounting, and finance are considered here.
  • Commerce, marketing and sales: this includes majors in business analytics, public, institutional or government relations.
  • Information technology or systems.
  • Manufacturing or Production.
  • Logistics or Transportation.

What is a job orientation program?

Vocational guidance is an issue that originated in an educational context and has been carried over into the field of employment today. It was in 1975 that the International Labor Organization began to include it in basic human resources and employment management packages.

Employment Counseling helps us in this process of finding and analyzing labor market information and in preparing our curriculum to better tailor it to the demands of specific jobs. It teaches us the selection processes we’re going to go through when we’re looking to get a job.

It helps us design a training program to acquire, maintain and update our skills.