The Benefits of Working Remotely

What is a remote or telecommuting job?

Simply put, it is work that is done outside the company walls. This definition may seem simple, but it allows us to better distinguish the elements that make this new way of working possible.

Therefore, remote work requires the use of mobile devices such as computers, laptops, as well as tablets and smartphones.

Another point to note is that these particular devices must be connected to the Internet in order to function and reach their full potential.

Because the work is done outside the organization, the worker can perform their tasks in a completely different environment: from the dining room, restaurant, hotel, home…

Thus, remote work is a new form of organization that risks disrupting established routines and changing our habits.

For decades, many multinational corporations have allowed their employees to take advantage of working from home . And there are also cases, such as the situation created by the coronavirus, that force us to adapt to it.

According to a Randstad study, 70% of workers would like to work remotely , but their companies won’t let them. However, with the data, another Adecco study estimates the number of people who worked remotely in 2018 at 1.43 million . Today, the percentage is much higher, as large and small companies have chosen this method after the unexpected.

In any case, experts keep in mind that working remotely is not a “prize” . Few entrepreneurs really know about the benefits of working from home. And not just for your employees. Of course, while it may not seem like it, it does have its drawbacks.

The 5 advantages of working from home (which are) for the employee

Working remotely is not ideal, but it does allow some people to better combine their personal and professional lives. Especially in big cities, where commuting takes a lot of time. But it’s also an option for those companies that have multiple offices because it’s easier for them to communicate.

Work-life balance

Working from home allows us a better work-life balance by saving travel time and having more time flexibility.

Not all companies that allow remote work have a fixed schedule, many of them set weekly or daily goals so that the person allocates their time according to their criteria and therefore is more productive . A consequence that becomes an advantage.

Higher productivity .

It has been shown that when we leave a work environment sometimes polluted with excessive and unnecessary meetings and multitasking, we are more efficient and work better. Greater autonomy to perform the various tasks and processes required for our work contributes to greater productivity.

Saving time and money

Depending on where we live and where we work, we can save anywhere from 5 to 15% of our monthly salary on travel.

More autonomy and less stress

Staying at home gives us access to a less rigid environment, with less stress and more friendliness because it is our environment, which undoubtedly leads to less work stress. By having more autonomy, we reduce stress.

The major disadvantages of working from home also exist

Physical space.

When we work from home, we are not able to separate our work life from our personal life very well, which can lead to working more hours.

When there is no fixed schedule for working remotely, the situation worsens because the distribution of time can be “mixed” and even working on holidays. Distraction is an aspect to consider because when you are not alone at home, it is easy to get distracted and end up leaving unfinished tasks from our work.

Remote Work Relationships.

Understandably, this may be one of the least appealing aspects of remote work, because although we think they are unnecessary, work relationships foster our creativity, improve communication, and we can establish strong and lasting bonds of friendship.

The risk of a sedentary lifestyle

There are some people who are not very active who may see their situation deteriorate when working remotely because if they already find it difficult to get out of the house and socialize, it can be another reason to self-isolate.
When we work from home, it’s harder to set limits .

Tips to make working from home more productive

To successfully achieve adequate productivity and efficiency in the work we do from home, we need to establish discipline and a series of routines that keep us from our usual distractions.

  • Set start and end times: this is the way we should control the time and switch off when we have finished the day.
  • Include a room in the house designated for work that is not a shared space. The goal is to relate that particular space to work and prevent others in the house from using it. Furniture determines our work style, and it is important to take care of every detail of our workspace: a wide enough desk, a suitable and comfortable chair, the right lighting (if natural)…etc.
  • Off-line breaks : due to fatigue, we are unable to think clearly and resolve situations. It’s good to give ourselves time to disconnect and take our minds off work. We come back with more energy and focus on the task at hand.
  • Exercise and stay active: avoid a sedentary lifestyle at all costs. Being at home means that when we finish work, we don’t need to move, so our physical activity is reduced to the max. Going to exercise, playing a favorite sport… Physical activity keeps us alive and promotes our physical and mental health.
  • Dress and Appearance: it makes sense that if we don’t need to leave the house or see any client or colleague, we’re not going to dress and comb our hair like we have a meeting, but it’s good to always maintain an adequate appearance. Observe hygiene and dress code appropriate to the situation.
  • Establish communication and don’t lose contact: Maintaining relationships with colleagues, supervisors and co-workers is necessary for work, not only for social reasons, but also because we need to know other points of view and get outside help. Communication is vital to work at home, to nourish ourselves with other opinions.

Pros and cons of working remotely

Many companies today allow their employees to work from home, especially during the pandemic it has become a necessity and a reality. Do you know the pros and cons of working remotely ?

There is no doubt that advances in technology have contributed to the spread of remote work, plus there are various remote work strategies that are very useful.

But is remote work “better” or “worse” for workers and employers? There are several advantages and disadvantages, which we will learn about in this article.

What is remote or telecommuting?

Simply put, it is work that is done outside the company walls. This definition may seem simple, but it allows us to better distinguish the elements that make this new way of working possible.

Therefore, remote work requires the use of mobile devices such as computers, laptops, as well as tablets and smartphones.

Another point to note is that these particular devices must be connected to the Internet in order to function and reach their full potential.

Because the work is done outside the organization, the employee can perform his or her tasks in a completely different environment: from the dining room, restaurant, hotel, home…

Thus, remote work is a new form of organization that risks disrupting established routines and changing our habits.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely?

There are many frequently asked questions about remote working , but to address them, so that you have no doubts about its implementation in your organization, we will share some advantages and disadvantages of remote work.

Advantages of working remotely

Wireless devices, web apps, and other online tools make it easier to interact with coworkers when working remotely.

Here are a few reasons why you or your employer may prefer to work from home rather than in a traditional office or other work environment.

The benefits of working remotely

  • Easier to focus without the distractions of the usual office distractions.
  • There are no travel costs.
  • This can provide a better work-life balance.
  • Employers can save money on rent and other overhead costs.
  • This has proven to be more productive for many employees.
  • People can work at their own pace without pressure.
  • Greater job satisfaction.
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Increased number of potential job seekers

Disadvantages of working remotely

Here are some negatives to consider if you want your employees to work remotely.

  • The employee has less face-to-face contact with supervisors and co-workers, making it harder to communicate.
  • Supervisors may find it harder to supervise someone who works from home.
  • You may miss the social aspect of working with coworkers.
  • Employees risk working longer hours.
  • Employees may have more breaks at home, resulting in lower productivity.

How can you improve remote working?

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely, we’ll share some tips for working remotely effectively:

Remote Work Tips

Stop by the office from time to time. Even if you work from home full-time, face-to-face communication can be helpful. Try to attend important meetings.

Provide or borrow office equipment: it can be an ergonomic chair, desk and computer to create a safer working environment. With a little creativity, you can also use items around the house to improve the ergonomics of a temporary workspace.

Establish Responsibilities. You need to know when you are expected. Familiarize yourself with the company’s policy on telecommuting and stick to it. Set performance metrics so everyone knows what is expected of them.

Make sure you are available. If you have teams in your care, keep in touch with them and be available if they need any permission. Setting goals is an effective way to manage a remote team .

Keep track of workflow. This can allow employers and employees to gauge productivity from home. Find out what the work relationship confidence indicators are for remote work .

Just like in the office, make a schedule and stick to it. Make a to-do list and mark the ones that were completed at the end of the day. Meet deadlines.

Stay in touch with the office. Develop a habit of communicating with your supervisor or co-workers. Keep your supervisor informed of progress and difficulties that arise.