Copywriting: Jobs of the future?

Copywriting is a creative profession associated with the creation of advertising information or informational articles.

You can choose the topics you are really interested in and create your own material based on your personal experience and knowledge. ial based on your personal experience and knowledge. Such materials, if they are well written, are in high demand and sell well.

It is also important for a copywriter to find his own unique style and manner of presenting the material. Creating texts to order, you will gradually sharpen your writing skills, learn to be concise, clear and interesting to express your thoughts, which will surely be useful to you in the future.

The demand for the profession

People do practically everything online: make acquaintances, communicate, study, create families, work, make purchases. Social networks, online stores, information portals, blogs – it’s almost impossible to imagine our life without all of this.

Most of the World Wide Web is filled with advertisements for all sorts of goods and services. And all these resources constantly need content, the main type of which – it’s text. As long as there is the Internet, copywriters of all levels will always be in demand – without work you will not remain.

Remote work

Another undoubted advantage is the ability to work from home. In practice, this means that you plan your own schedule and workload. You no longer have to get up at 7 a.m. every morning to get to the office in time.

You are not tied to a specific location, which means you can work anywhere in the world, where there is a computer and Internet access.

Freelancing saves you from having to constantly interact with your boss. In addition, there are no appearance requirements: you can work in your pajamas if you want to.

In addition, the free schedule allows you to combine copywriting with other activities as you have time and energy.

Expanding your horizons

Working as a copywriter means you are constantly learning something new, because you will be writing texts on all kinds of topics. But it’s impossible to create quality material without understanding its content, which means that your horizons will become much wider.

In short, with each completed order you will become more and more educated and versatile person and will be able to surprise friends and acquaintances with deep knowledge in a variety of sometimes seemingly useless fields.


Freelance work means that your fee is directly dependent on your skills, qualifications and talent. If you are well motivated and ready to show enough persistence and patience in mastering your profession, you can achieve great success! With an increase in the quality of texts, adding to your portfolio and expanding the range of topics of texts, the cost of your work as a specialist will increase significantly. If you manage to find several regular customers (which is quite realistic), it can significantly improve your financial situation.

Another important aspect is that you will work remotely, which means that your income does not depend on where you are. It doesn’t matter to clients where you write texts for them. For the residents of small towns, where the rates of payroll differ from those in the capital not for the better, it is an essential detail.

Professional copywriters earn from 70 to 350 rubles per thousand characters and more.

Skills in working with texts

As you create texts, you will gradually improve your word processing skills.

If you are attracted to the possibility of becoming a person whose texts are read and discussed by many people, then copywriting can give you that opportunity. It all depends solely on your own talents and skills. If you manage to create sufficiently vivid, interesting and attractive texts, then sooner or later you will find an attentive audience that will closely follow your creations. Maybe one day you’ll become a journalist, a famous blogger, or write your own book!

In addition, the skill of writing advertising and sales texts can be very useful if in the future you decide to open your own business. You will be able to promote your business on your own, knowing all the features of it from the inside.

Blind Print Method

As an added bonus, you can learn blind typing skills and finally stop typing with two fingers at a frustratingly slow speed. This is a very versatile skill that will almost certainly find use in everyday life.

If you decide to choose texting as your job, you should be prepared to have your skills proven. It is desirable to have a diploma, but you can also take an online exam to confirm your qualifications. There are many copywriters in the market, so to successfully compete in the exchange of labor you need to be able to write texts quickly, accurately and on time.

In fact, a copywriter is a specialist of a wide profile, his responsibilities include writing texts for the site, make up selling headlines, writing articles, as well as knowledge of the basics of website promotion in search engines.

To start writing texts to order, you can register at one of the special exchanges. Note that the intermediary services should be paid to the exchange of a fixed amount or a percentage of earned funds. In addition, you can create a profile on social networks and place your ads there.

If you do not want to work through intermediaries, there are three ways out:

  • Create your own website, which will tell about your services.
  • Promote your personal brand using social networks.
  • Directly cooperate with companies engaged in creation of sites.

An experienced copywriter who writes high-quality content will never have problems finding a job. As a rule, companies are looking for such specialists and are ready to pay a good monthly wage. However, as the practice shows, no matter how many companies are not opening such vacancies, the profession of a copywriter is, first of all, Freelance.

The copywriter is not just a content producer. It is first of all a master of selling texts, who can create a high-quality content and write a literate, thoughtful texts. It is this kind of content is highly prized for seo optimization sites. Such expert seo text, called LSI copywriting.

When you seriously decide to make money from copywriting, understand what are keywords and phrases, content spamming, water and nausea. This will help you better understand the TOR, as well as to write in such a way that the sites you write for will collect more semantics.

In addition, you need to know the following:

  • the uniqueness of the finished texts should strive to 100%;
  • the articles should not contain grammatical, spelling and syntactic errors;
  • the content should be useful, informative and reliable;
  • for a better perception of the article should be structured (contain lists, tables, subheadings).


  • The profession of copywriter can be found several important pluses.
  • Free schedule.
  • A freelance copywriter chooses his own convenient working hours.
  • Fast training
  • To become a copywriter, you don’t need to study for several years in university, courses will be enough.
  • Creativity
  • Thanks to this profession, the author reveals his creative potential.
  • Demand
  • To promote on the Internet bloggers and companies constantly need new content, so there is no shortage of orders.


  • Also, the profession of copywriter has a number of serious disadvantages.
  • Stress on the eyesight and back
  • The copywriter spends a lot of time at the computer, which can cause problems with vision and posture.
  • Tight deadlines.
  • Sometimes little time is given to prepare the material. A specialist must be able to calculate the strength to have time to understand the topic and turn in everything on time.
  • Low rates.
  • At the initial stage, copywriters on the exchanges offer the rate of 20-40 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • Competition
  • If the companies are ready to fight for the copywriting guru, it is very difficult for beginners to find their first client, because the competition is very high.