How do you become part of a business network and reach your potential?

Undoubtedly, the concept of business networks can only be understood from the new era of technology. This number of relationships between agencies with the same undertaking, seeks to achieve a strategic level of information that allows to potentiate the achievements as a group.

This network provides benefits to producers, entrepreneurs and users, since its objective is to eliminate intermediaries, guaranteeing a direct distribution chain.

Regardless of the nature of the product or project, the business network is responsible for managing different types of capital, including human capital, which is very important because it focuses on the knowledge of the people involved in the business network. For this reason, the Human Resources team is in charge of efficiently and correctly managing the potential of its personnel.

More and more business leaders are recognizing the importance of building a collaborative business network, as they are aware that the way of doing business has changed. The new 21st century market strategies speak of networks as a profit system directly proportional to the number of affiliates.

One of the new purposes of the companies that work through networks is that the human capital automates the work, is capable of entrepreneurship, has self-sufficiency but at the same time loyalty to the company and, in addition, is able to take the leadership of a project.

Currently, generation Y or also known as millennial generation, the one that will inherit the jobs of the current generation in charge, is highly qualified to occupy and create the jobs of the future. Their flexibility when it comes to starting businesses, their high capacity for emotional intelligence, their born creativity and genuine curiosity in adapting to technology and new forms of business, make this generation the promise of business networks.

These elements help position the company at higher levels in terms of competitive advantage. That is, the structure of the business network is strengthened, so that customers will feel greater loyalty to the company over others, despite the demand for the service or product.

On the other hand, it is very important that this business network knows its customers and knows well about their needs and concerns in order to detect market opportunities.

To be part of a business network it is possible to be an entrepreneur or part of the human talent of a company, since both considerations start from the same search for entrepreneurial business and obtain benefits.

If you want to join a business network or form one, but do not yet know how to recognize your professional skills, you may want to know your personal skills first.