How to choose the right job that suits you

Stay in job search mode

Stay in “continuous job search mode” to be prepared for opportunities that arise. Update all of your job search documents, especially your LinkedIn profile.

Document your successes in your current job at least once a month and add them to your resume. If your skills are in high demand, employers often go after you, so be prepared to respond to attractive options.

Create an ideal job and employer profile

Creating a profile will help you identify attractive positions and weed out other jobs that you don’t think are a good fit. Think about what type of employer is ideal for your personality and work style. To do this, think about the elements of your current job and previous jobs that you liked best and write them down. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What activities are most satisfying in your current job?
  • What would you like to avoid in your next job?
  • What do you want in terms of work-life balance?
  • What is your ideal corporate culture?
  • What jobs would you find most satisfying?

It may be helpful to list your answers for verification. The more information you have about what you want, the easier it will be to make a decision.

What else would you like in a job?

You should also think about what might be missing from your current job. For example, if you enjoy event planning, are you doing enough in your current position? Perhaps your current job doesn’t offer you enough opportunities for advancement, or your boss is too autocratic and you’d like more freedom in decision-making and workflow planning.

Tip: The key is to ask yourself what kind of job you would like to do.

Think about your ideal job

Take an online career assessment to identify other values, interests or personality traits you could use in your dream job.

The U.S. Department of Labor has a Work Values Matcher that asks about different aspects of a job or workplace to help you find your ideal work environment.

You can also enlist the help of a career counselor if you’re having trouble identifying key aspects of your ideal career. If you have a dream company you’d like to work for, now may be a good time to contact them.

Know your worth.

One of the benefits of high demand is the opportunity to improve your compensation. Research your job value through online salary sources, surveys of your professional organization and informal conversations with fellow professionals. Review these tips to determine how much you are worth.

Decide whether you want a higher salary

If you think you should earn more, ask for a raise or look for another high-paying job. Many employers will accept another organization’s offer.

Tip: Salary increases should be commensurate with a fair assessment of your knowledge, skills, and abilities. Compare yours with others in the field you are seeking.

In some cases, a competitive offer or job change may be the only way to get a significant raise. Be careful not to give your current employer an ultimatum if you do not want to change jobs. You don’t want to lose the job you have before you are ready to move on.

Assess the skills needed for your ideal job

If the next job you’d like to have requires skills or knowledge that you don’t quite possess, or you want to expand your current responsibilities into new areas, explore whether you can incorporate or develop those skills into your role. This could also be an opportunity to change positions in your current job if you are happy with the company.

Tip: Your employer may be more flexible than you think when it comes to changing your position if you are a very valuable employee and they don’t want to lose you. Also, research courses and training opportunities to get the right training for your next job, as your current employer may even agree to pay for them.

Help recruiters find you

When there is a shortage of workers, employers become more active in recruiting passive candidates. They are more likely to use search firms to find candidates and find potential clients on LinkedIn.

Consider using a recruiter to help you find your dream job, but make sure you don’t let them override your goals to match the job offer they are promoting. Create a detailed LinkedIn profile, update it, and your next job may find you before you find it.

Reject less lucrative job offers

Don’t be afraid to turn down a job offer that seems far from ideal.

Important: If you are in high demand, you will get other offers. You may be better off staying in your current job until you find something very attractive. Changing jobs can be a red flag on a resume for even the most in-demand workers. Later it is explained how to turn down a job offer.

Take advantage of your contacts

Go to your contacts to provide you with information, tips and job offers. Share your ideal job profile and ask them to recommend positions in your industry.

Companies sometimes pay employees a bonus for recommending a candidate, and recommendations from current employees are often highly valued in all circumstances.

Decide which job to take

It can be harder to decide when you have a lot to choose from. You may have to juggle several job offers, which can be stressful.

Don’t accept a job offer right away; take the time to evaluate each offer and carefully compare employee benefit packages. Not everything is about money; Privileges and benefits offered to you are also important, and some benefits may be stipulated in the job offer.

Don’t rush into a decision about compensation and benefits. Take time to carefully consider all of your options. Forget the ones you didn’t accept after you made your decision, and instead focus on the future and be ready to start a new job.

Tips for choosing the right job

  • When faced with a job offer, take your time to think . It is grateful for the opportunity, but asks for some time to analyze it; the other side will fully understand that you need a few days to weigh the pros and cons, and will actually make you more responsible and motivated.
  • Analyze the economic offer – whether it meets your expectations, but above all whether it meets your financial needs – but don’t let this point determine your decision.
  • Analyze the professional details of the position : what role you would take on, what the team is like, what your superiors are like and everything that professionally this position can bring you in your career.
  • Do a professional and personal balancing act where you determine whether or not the offer fits your desired balance.
  • If you have the opportunity and haven’t done it before, consult with friends or acquaintances who can give you information on what it’s like to work there. The opinion of someone inside can be instructive.
  • Think medium length, not short . Take your time to pick something up and think about whether it really fits what you are looking for or can help you achieve it in the future.
  • Don’t be afraid to use these suggestions to “push” what you are most interested in. Having other offers on the table may force the company you really want to bid on to streamline their processes to be able to give you an answer.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

What to look for when choosing the perfect job?

1. Company values.

It’s hard to work on something you don’t really believe in, especially if you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the office. If the value line of the company you’re thinking of joining doesn’t sound like yours, it’s best to think twice before you do it.

If you’re a humanitarian, for example, an NGO will suit you, as opposed to a government agency, where things may not be as transparent.

2. Legal benefits

In Mexico the law stipulates that every employee must have access to social security, vacation and credit for real estate.

If a company doesn’t have the business leadership to offer these benefits during your hiring process, it’s probably not an honest institution, but rather someone looking for low-cost, disposable labor.

3. Harmony in the environment.

While it’s hard to notice in your first few days on the job, there are some things you can take note of to see if the workplace has a harmonious environment.

If a company cares about the state of mind of its employees, it will show this with attractive offices that motivate them to work. Similarly, you can notice in your colleagues whether they are comfortable to work there or not.

For example, in BC “IZA” the company can place its offices with excellent conditions for work: elite furniture, modern equipment and more than 30 strategic locations in major cities of the country.

4. Development opportunities

One of the most important things you should consider when choosing the best place to work is your life plans.

You should seriously consider whether the company will serve as a platform for you to achieve your goals or whether you can develop your talent there to reach a higher position.

5. Become part of the team.

You are confident in your talent and that you can contribute to the company, but do you work as part of a team? To some extent, it’s up to you to showcase your skills and spend time in the office, but if you feel like you’re not being considered, it’s definitely not the best place to work.

The ideal place is one where you can contribute to decision-making and get real work experience.

6. Prestige

It’s no secret that working at some companies makes a resume that much more impactful. If you are looking for the best place to work, you must consider the company’s prestige to the public and, above all, to its competitors.