Creativity is something innate. Although it has to do with artistic activities, all people are creative, and apply it to different areas of their lives. For example, when you open the refrigerator and wonder what to make with the ingredients that are in there. Also when considering different routes to get to work if none are available. When you are a student, creativity is used to create notes, etc.
Even when we don’t realize it, creativity is a personality trait, a skill we can all develop. Observe yourself, get to know yourself to find out in what situations you are most creative and in what situations you think you need that touch.
There are jobs or professional careers that require a high degree of creativity in visual and/or manual things, such as: graphic designers, visual communicators, publicists, photographers, to name a few.
What is creativity?
Creativity is the ability to do things that already exist in a different way. It is creating, problem solving, innovating, proposing, discovering, exploring.
Albert Einstein said: “Creativity is the entertainment of the mind.” For his part, Jonathan Mildenhale says that “creativity consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking in ways no one else has thought.”
How to stimulate creativity?
- Color/paint.
- Mandalas are trending right now as a good therapy to help relieve stress, among other things.
- Writes
- Write what you dream about, ideas that come into your head all the time, even when you think they are unrealistic or hardly possible.
- Play
- There are various games that help stimulate creativity as well as dexterity, such as: cube-rubics, puzzles, chess, jenga, scrabble, crossword puzzles, word searches and others.
- Brain Gym.
- There are several brain training exercises that allow you to activate both hemispheres of your brain and work together.
- Have a hobby.
- Preferably one that has nothing to do with your work/study, something that allows you to take your mind off your daily activities.
- Live with your children.
- Allow yourself to be wrapped up in your imagination. Watch them play and interact. Play with them, make up a story or story together, each talking for one minute, after that time the other continues the story for another minute, and so on.
What else can you do?
Physical activity.
When the exercise is done, in addition to getting rid of stress, the mind begins to clear the earrings that block thought and keep it from flowing. The consequence is that since there are no obstacles, creativity begins to work.
Taking a bath.
Not for the necessity of bathing, but for the pleasure of enjoying the moment. With relaxing music, scented candles in a clean room.
It is important to consider water care, so it is recommended not to exceed the time of the shower, and if it is a bath in the tub, use the water again.
Do the work around the house.
Cleaning up the physical space also helps keep things out of the way, so creativity can flow freely.
Dress in bright colors.
Like yellow, green, Mexican pink, red, they are bright colors that stimulate creativity.
Find your space and time
Everyone flows at different speeds, the tips above are great allies, but it’s always important to know each other. Do some introspection and analysis:
At what time out of 24 hours a day does your creativity flow the most: morning, afternoon, afternoon or night.
What space helps you flow in the office/school, in the park, in the dining room, in your home?
How do you flow better while listening to the radio, with the TV on, silently or to music; what kind of music, pop, rock, instrumental.
When you push yourself, everything you get is blocked, and creativity takes time to flow. It’s better to take some time, find your space, time, moment and technique that will help you let your creativity flow.