Pros and cons of self-development

The benefits of personal growth

Development is one of man’s needs. As long as a person develops, life seems interesting and fulfilling to him. This is one of the advantages. As long as you develop, your life becomes meaningful. We all know very well that man either develops or degrades. He will not stand still for long. It can be compared to a man on a four-wheeled bicycle going up a high mountain. As he pedals, he develops. He becomes stronger, more enduring, and wiser. But as soon as he stops pedaling (self-development), he stands still for a while in that highest mountain, and in a split second he rolls down. That’s it! Such a person’s life is half-broken.

So one of the perks of personal development is meeting a person’s needs for self-development. As long as a person develops, his life becomes richer and more interesting.

The second and no less important plus of self-education is the satisfaction of his needs for self-development. Yes, it is in the nature of man to learn all his life. And so it happens. Some do not realize this because they have already entered the line of degradation. For them, meeting their needs and filling the void is a bottle of beer and partying. And when a person gets used to this, it becomes a satisfaction of needs.

There is such a category of people like you and me! We saturate our lives and satisfy our needs through self-education. This is what fills our cup and gives us energy. As a person develops, he meets some of his needs. And this entails feelings of satisfaction from life.

The third benefit is that you are your own boss. You learn things that interest you. You cover your disadvantages with the knowledge you need. There are so many experts on the Internet right now who are ready to help you!!!

The fourth benefit is the breadth and depth of the training. You can study almost any topic. The most popular training requests right now are:

  • How to make money online.
  • Something that starts with the word, “How to…”

Indeed, you can explore the topic of happiness and how to achieve happiness in your life. You can get to know the psychology of your significant other better, as men and women are very different from each other, but you should not forget that every personality is individual. You can explore the topic of money and much more. For example, intimate topics.

All of this makes and defines you as the most successful, educated and interesting person. This is a huge plus of personal development.

The fifth plus is the accessibility of learning. You can study whenever and wherever you want. You make your own schedule. If you learn English, you now do not have to go to the courses at a time when you were lazy. You can turn on an English training course at any time and start learning. Personally, I do both. One does not interfere with the other and the results are much better!!!

The sixth plus is a lot of free information and a learning system. You can learn for free and get super results from it. On this site you are also presented with a lot of free and useful information. Its quality is judged only by you, dear readers.

The seventh plus – effectiveness. Now this method of training is much more effective than the traditional method. Frankly speaking, what we get from schools and universities – this is a past age. It’s all long outdated. Personally, I am in favor of having children in school. Secondary education is okay, but higher education …

80-90% of knowledge is now taken from experts on the Internet. Moreover, in high school they do not teach us, for example, to make money and communicate with the opposite sex. And this is very important!!! In other words, we do it all by ourselves by trial and error. If we are prepared for this initially, then the efficiency and the result will be much higher.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Perhaps there are more advantages, but only the main ones are highlighted here. Self-development and learning in your own way is what each of us needs right now. As long as you are developing, you are living and enjoying yourself.

The disadvantages of personal growth

As they say: “Every coin has a downside.

First of all, all this is just a theory. In fact it may be quite different. One man often says to me that we must live by our feelings, not by following theory. Actually this person is right, but only partially. In my opinion, you have to do both. That’s when you get real results. Many people just know the theory, act according to it, but the results are not what they should be, as described in the theory.

That’s where the conclusions were made that everyone has their results. Once you get the knowledge base of the theory, you have to adjust it for yourself. And then it won’t just be theory anymore.

The second disadvantage is overstated promises. We are promised so high results if we buy a book or video course on infobusiness. It’s simple in words, but in practice…

Others claim, “Do as I do and your life will change quickly,” but that’s nonsense. Life doesn’t change in six days. Everyone has to work as hard as he or she can to have a better life. That’s just in the beginning, but after that it will be easier. But inflated expectations and super results are a minus.

The third minus is a lot of bad information. At this stage there is less of that. Now we can be happy that high-quality information begins to prevail over low-quality. Still, you have to choose your information or training carefully. Especially if you do it for a fee.

Actually, everything is on the downside here and our score in this battle was 7-3 in favor of the pluses of personal growth. Now you can draw some conclusions from this. In this article, I also want to remind you of the highest quality knowledge hypermarket, Winner’s Academy. It too has its pros and cons. The pluses are that the highest quality knowledge is presented to you there by the top Russian experts. Training is cheap, since a huge discount was made specifically for popular courses. Another plus is the instant availability. You do not need to wait for three weeks until the parcel reaches you. It’s done in a couple of minutes or even less. And, of course, one of the main pluses – it is an opportunity to earn.

As for the cons! If you take the earnings, it is a system built on the model of the well-known pyramid scheme. We all know how we react to it. Swindle!!! But you certainly do not need to invest a lot of money for the purchase of stars. All you will acquire there is only knowledge, and that at a low price.

The second disadvantage of this hypermarket of knowledge – many people do not know and do not know how to use electronic money to pay for the course he liked.