Why is it hard to find a job?

Attitude is the disposition with which we encounter something, which also affects (and determines) the outcome. With a good attitude, you’re more than halfway to getting the job done.

When you have a positive attitude, you are open to new possibilities, new ways to invent, to create, to try, to do. And that openness with simple probability leads to more options and better results.

We are the result of our beliefs. And your beliefs affect your chances of finding a job or not finding a job. Beliefs like “no job,” “let’s see if I can do something,” or “I won’t get the call,” without realizing it, limit your chances of success. If you think there is no job, you will make less effort to get it so you don’t contradict yourself.

Two other factors, which are also scarce, such as persistence and effort, join the mood. We want results, and we want results now, and when we don’t get them, we stop trying, so the likelihood of getting results decreases. Currently, your employability (your chances of finding a job) is determined by several factors:

1. Your training.

You are more likely to find a job based on what you are trained to do, as this, while not sufficient, is necessary as an initial selection criterion.

2. Your experience and/or knowledge

Depending on the position you are applying for, more or less experience will be required. This is a great reason to complain that you can’t find a job, but don’t forget that many of today’s great professionals worked for free when they started out. Experience has a price. Appreciate the opportunities the market gives you.

3. Your skills and competencies

Anything you know how to do, whether they are certified or not. There are things that don’t require a title, but a skill, a “know-how” that will set you apart from others.

4. Your network of contacts.

This is where the 1.0 and 2.0 versions come to the rescue. Personal and professional relationships will give you access to information you may need and to other professionals who can help you. It’s not about forcing yourself to meet people, but about gradually building your network and, most importantly, taking care of it.

5. Where you are and when you are

This remains one of the most important reasons for finding a job: to be in the right place at the right time. The secret is simple: move, be, be seen, go wherever there is the slightest opportunity. Don’t forget that your job is about finding work.
This is what keeps us from finding a job.

Although it may seem easy, there are some reasons that make it difficult for us to find a job, sometimes even leading to personal demotivation, such as:

1. people don’t know what we want.

That is, we don’t have a clear goal to achieve, everything is fine, so we don’t focus much and see fewer options.

2. We don’t take ourselves seriously.

We lack commitment to ourselves. We have a hard time believing in ourselves, so we try less than we should.

3. we lack perseverance and patience

We soon get tired of trying and give up. We don’t give ourselves the opportunity to achieve because we don’t give ourselves the time.

4. We have a hard time opening ourselves up to new forms of employment

There are already 110 lifetime positions and open-ended contracts. Now you need to work with less fear, more confidence, and more openness to the environment. We need to change our beliefs because, unknowingly, they limit us by seeing fewer opportunities.

5. Time plays against.

Every day without results reduces your confidence and security and affects your self-esteem. Your only tool is to use your time correctly to get good results.

– Is Employment the chance of finding a job. Of course, it increases when you have a positive attitude, inspiring beliefs, when you are optimistic, when you learn and improve, when you expand your network of professional contacts and become more visible. In short, when you do, you don’t just want to do.

While the reality of work does exist, you need to analyze where you are now, where you want to be (what you want to achieve) and what you can do to achieve it. Along the way you will have to renew yourself, train yourself, open your mind, expand your network of contacts, break down the beliefs that are limiting you from achieving change, stop doing unproductive things to better manage your time and differentiate yourself.

The 5 steps to action are.

1- Be honest.

Are you really looking for work? Analyze how many hours you’ve spent looking for a job in the last two weeks. If you really want to reach your goal, you must take it seriously. Analyze your attitude.

2. Your job is to look for work.

Dedicate your “work” schedule to building your professional profile, improving and updating your resume, and meeting other professionals, companies. Manage your time well and invest it in yourself.

3. Contact You

Take advantage of the fact that you are actively seeking work to do what you have always wanted to do, work on what you have always wanted to work on. Train yourself to be able to do your best.

4. Try different things.

Do things you’ve never done to get different results. What could you do that you haven’t done before?

5. Work on your personal brand.

Set yourself apart in a saturated market. Network , interact with other professionals with whom you can create collaboration and synergy.

Very often it turns out that problems are related to our misconceptions, inflated expectations, emotionalism in decision-making, and the influence of our environment. It is not easy to notice and “defuse” these factors, because we are all human and it is really hard to look at ourselves from the outside. We, career consultants, become this kind of outsider. When the problem is identified, you can work with it. Let’s get to the bottom of it!

10 obstacles on the way to a new job and ways to overcome them:

1. lack of a clear goal

“I would like any job – if only they would give me a visa,” or “I do not care what job, the main thing that the salary was 35 thousand pounds a year. Sound familiar? If we do not know where we want to go – where our imaginary point B is – we are unlikely to get there. It’s amazing how “wrong” offers come to candidates.


Determine what you want to do: career direction, type of company, what your work day should be, how many days a week you want to work in the office, how many at home, what salary you want to get, etc. Set a long-term goal, for 3-5 years, and then “rewind” the time back. This way it will be much easier to understand where you need to go.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

2. Lack of realistic goals.

Exaggerated salary expectations in the absence of the necessary qualifications. Of course, it will be difficult to find a job if you want to earn more, but can’t offer your employer anything of equal value in return.


Determine what steps will help bring you closer to an equivalent exchange. These could be additional qualifications, temporary work in the field you need to gain experience. All of these steps will eventually lead to you being eligible to look for a job with the salary you want.

3. lack of structure.

Chaotic sending out hundreds of job applications every day. You do not keep track of exactly how you sent (then on your phone, then on your laptop), where and when you sent, do not write down the companies in which you have already been to an interview, etc. One day you can send 50 applications, then forget about it for a week, then guiltily return to the search, and so on to infinity. Lack of a systematic approach and deliberate engagement in the process greatly reduces the effectiveness of your job search.


Determine how many hours a day you are willing to spend on your job search. The result will be directly proportional to the time spent. If you only have an hour a week, don’t expect an offer too quickly. But don’t blame yourself for not having one either. You choose your own pace.

3 types of people who have a hard time finding a job

1. flyers or people who change jobs frequently

Hiring mistakes are costly, so hiring professionals are wary of candidates who don’t stay in one place long. They seem unreliable. At the same time, people change jobs more often in today’s world than they did 20 or 30 years ago. In the coming years, this trend will intensify. The zero-generation likes variety in everything, including work. 91% of those surveyed are not going to work in one place for more than 3 years.

Employers should look at the perks of candidates who change jobs frequently, namely flexibility and diversity of knowledge and skills. Job seekers, in turn, can shine a spotlight on their strengths by not just listing but detailing their accomplishments and skills in their CVs.

Illustrate the benefits you have brought to previous jobs with facts and figures. You could write, “During the N months I worked at company A, I attracted X large clients, which led to an increase in annual income by Y%.” Your future boss won’t mind bringing in big clients and increasing income at his company.

2. the Chronically Unemployed.

Among the total unemployed, a significant percentage are those who can’t get a job for more than a year. They seem like unlikely candidates, first because previous employers haven’t hired them, and second because they may have lost some of their job skills and teamwork skills.

Recruiting experts recommend those who can’t find a job for more than 6 months to occupy themselves with something useful. You can become a freelancer or do volunteer work. In addition, you should consider changing your job search strategy to a more aggressive one.

Don’t wait for recruiters to find your resume online. Call the hiring managers of companies you are interested in directly, network, including on social networks. Your chances increase if a company employee brings your resume to the hiring department.

3. Overqualified workers.

Applicants with a brilliant resume are often told, “You’re too good for us,” and denied the job. The potential employer wonders why he would accept a low-level position for a modest salary. The thought occurs to him: he will leave us as soon as he finds a better position, or he will ask for a raise for his merit.